jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

How to manage travelling on trains in India

Oficial Indian Railways website is: 

Trains at glance is a magazine published once a year with all Indian trains (some exceptions), timetables, maps, number and name of trains... Online the website is:

It is easier to search your train in the numbered map, then go to the pages of the numbers of this line, check the trains and choose the best option. The numbered map is:
This map was very usefull for me, as it allowed me to realized about the routes, the cities in between I could stop to see, instead going to far. So I divide my trip into shorter ones allowing me to visit fantastic places I never imagined I could see.
There is a new  app (try and tell me about):


Online official reservations:
You will need to sing up and in, then VISA o Master Card payment was not so easy years ago, I hope now it improved (when offering payment transation bank better choose: HDFC, ICIC o Punjabi Bank).

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